Added a vinyl pencil case from Guy Brouillette.
Due to my job or sometimes, lack of information, I have frequently been unable to answer requests about Doctor Who collectibles in a timely fashion so I have created the The Skaro Discussion Forum. You can ask questions, post wanted and for sale notices, etc. Hopefully, other people can answer questions that I can't.
Added a Weetabix playing board from Dave Gaskell.
Added a Cyrberman gun prop from Steve Gostelow.
Added a 7 doctors puzzle from Tom Winpenny.
Added many new pictures from Chris Avis and Brian Heiler to the Toys and Other pages.
Added three pictures of props from Steve Gostelow.
Added a Davros head, Salt shakers, Troughton plate, Sonic screw driver, Tote bag, Davison pencil box, Weetabix game board, several records, and two more puzzles.
Added two Peter Davison puzzles.
Added a chess set, a set of tankards, a tardis tuner, a Denys Fisher Cyberman, and a picture of the Selcol Dalek in its original bag.
Added a Fluid Neutralizer.
Added a Denys Fisher Robot.
Added several puzzles.
Original Weetabix cards added.
Genesis of the Daleks record.
Added many sound clips to the records page.
I forgot to photograph a few things. These will appear soon.